Claims Process Overview

Understanding the Claims Process

We are dedicated to serving our policyholders when disaster strikes. Fully staffed with adjusters to handle all of your claim needs, we have 24-hour claims reporting and emergency services available.

To Report a Claim:

  • Call our 24-hour line at  1-866-277-9871, or
  • Go to our website to File a Claim
  • Check the status of your claim here

Please have the following information available:

  • Your contact information
  • Repairmen’s contact information, if applicable
  • Photos of the damages right after the loss
  • Invoices for any temporary repairs or mechanical parts
  • Receipts and invoices for incurred expenses if your home is deemed unlivable
    • Please note:  Coverage for these expenses is known as Additional Living Expenses (ALE). Be sure to ask your claims representative if this is included in your policy. 

What Happens During the Claims Process?

We’ve provided a step-by-step overview of our claims process so you know what to expect after you have an unexpected loss. Our experienced team is here to assist you from the moment you’ve first learned of the damage to the moment when your house becomes a home again.   

Step 1:  Claim Assignment
Once you have notified us of your claim, it will be assigned to a professional who will help guide you through the claims process. If an inspection is needed, your claim will be assigned to a field adjuster who is located in your area.

Step 2:  Communication
We will attempt to contact you within 24 hours of receipt of your claim. If you have reported the claim after our normal hours and it is an escalated situation – fire, water overflow, or your home is unlivable – an on-call adjuster will contact you immediately to provide directions and resources.

Step 3:  Initial Contact
Your claims professional will gather facts about your loss, review and explain your policy coverage, including the deductible, and discuss next steps. If needed, they may schedule an in-person appointment or send an expert to your home, such as an engineer.

Step 4:  Estimate and Evaluation
During the evaluation process, your claims professional will determine whether the loss is covered under your policy. An estimate for the damages to your property will be made.

Step 5:  Resolution
After the evaluation has been completed, you will be issued a check for covered losses based on the approved repair estimate.

Please note that while our goal is to have all claims concluded as soon as possible, some claims are more complex than others and may take longer to resolve.

Step 6:  Closing the Claim
Once your claim has been resolved, the file will be closed. If you discover additional expenses or damages, or if there are additional facts not previously presented regarding the loss, please provide the information to us immediately. At that time, your claim will be re-opened for additional review.

Remember in the Event of a Claim
Report it as soon as possible through our 24-hour claims line, 1-866-277-9871, or file a claim online. We are here to help.